Aquí está el problema: A mi amigo lo pararon los policías de Tijuana por andar en exceso de velocidad y pasarse "según" en rojo y porque tenía muy polarizados los vidrios. El pobre no sabe mucho español pero le llamaron a otro amigo para traducir. Me dijo que el oficial le empezó amenazar, diciéndole que le tenían que quitar el carro, que le va costar 30000 pesos sacarlo, que tenía que irse al bote por excesos de velocidad. Después de cuentas salió pagando 10000 pesos para que lo dejarán ir. Osea...hizo mal mi amigo por andar rápido pero cuando te empiezan amenazar así como se puede uno proteger de los policías ratas? Donde están las leyes para poder ver si era cierto que se lo pueden llevar al bote?
Shes saying she's going to do private training at home? Would it not be better to do training at a place with other animals so he's socialised? That dog is going to be so aggressive toward other animals.
I've been playing Skyrim for years and until now I ask myself this question, is there a mod that changes or improves the ending when you defeat Alduin? Because it's uncomfortable and maybe frustrating to go through Skyrim after that mission and absolutely nothing happens, I know that most people have no idea that the Dragonborn saved the world, but damn nothing happens after that, it's not just any mission that you just completed, so you know something that would improve this?
Sind in Schweden (Nahe Kramfors) auf Spuren im Schnee gestoßen. Können nur nicht sicher sagen ob Elch oder Rentier. Kann das hier jemand unterscheiden? Habe Schuhgröße 42 falls das hilft. Danke für eure Hilfe:)
2012 JSW with Rawteck full straight pipe, and accompanying stage 2 tune. For these calculations I used the odometer and the number of gallons from the pump. I know the MPG in the car is inaccurate... or is it? Before my mods I was getting around 410 miles on 13 gallons of gas. I would average 31.5 mpg. Now after the mods I can do up to 500 miles on a tank. This last tank of diesel I went exactly 470 miles on 13.29 gallons of diesel. Which puts me at 35.36 MPG. Now for the fun part! That 3.86 mpg saved me about $110/10k miles. Assuming diesel is 3.19 which is normal for my area. I definitely plan to put another 100k on my car which will bring my total savings up to $1,100! The whole kit only costed me a $1,800. If you consider the 30k miles I've already put on the car then, by the time she makes it to 250k the kit will have paid for itself! This dosent even factor in all the money I am saving in maintenance over the course of the vehicles life, or the extra savings if diesel hits $4/gallon again. I can not recommend the Rawteck performance exahust enough. I get to spit smoke, go faster, sound better, and save money AT THE SAME TIME!
Not an astro physicists. Just someone struggling to understand how time dialation works. So I hop in my rocket ship and travel at light speed from point a to point b. From my perspective let's say 10 minutes passes. From. The rest of the universe 10 years passes( I'm sure the math isn't right. This is just to make a point). So if someone outside of my spaceship sees me traveling would I appear to be moving incredibly slowly? Is so, it seems pointless to even travel that fast if it takes me much longer to get to my destination. Am I understanding time dialation wrong? Any help would be appreciated.